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“If I wasn’t

going down

to Blokes United

on a Thursday I would be sat at home on my

own looking at four walls thinking about the past.

I’ve met some cracking lads and I really

look forward to meeting up with the

lads for a game of football and

a chat. I think whoever

comes feels the love from

the group of people that

are involved.”



“Creative football

was and has been

essential to me in the

short time I have been part

of the family. When there was no purpose in life

to get out of bed creative football was my purpose. I call it a‘family’ because that is what it

is.The first day you come down they take you under their wings and you become their

family. No matter your background or story you become one with them. The family

are amazing and you have endless of laughter too. They are amazing

and I am forever in their debt with the help and guidance they have

given me. I will continue to come down and support the family

forever. Throughout lockdown, there where no gyms

open and I couldn’t go to work. This was the

place to go . They  have been amazing with their

sessions they have developed#me with my football

as well as helping me keep my sanity. I will 

encourage anyone with any ability to come down

 and give it ago I promise you you’ll never regret it.”



“Sat in


boozer one

hangover Sunday,

fire roaring, dodgy 

foreign feed on the big

screen,nursing a pint of the black stuff and

debating why we lost again yesterday, I spot a poster on the wall. ‘Blokes Unites’ it says.

I take a closer look. ‘Blokes United, every Monday 7-8, Darwen Academy’.This

looks orite. A game of footy, already organised,nice little run about,bit of

exercise. Sounds great.But…am I good enough? They might all be a

bit clicky, might not want a new face turning up and scoring

all the goals. Better not do the dance when I score the

perfect hat-trick then. No I can’t go can I, won’t

know anyone. Weeks passed and Monday’s

become football night. Got my touch back. Same

faces, some new faces each week, all just happy

to be playing football in a safe and welcoming

environment. Bloody brilliant.”



“Meeting new

people from

different walks of life is great, especially when

we are all doing what we like. In this case,

football is the thing that brings us

together. Taking part in the group

has really boosted

myself-esteem and I’m

feeling a lot more confident.”


"When you

have mental

health problems and addiction

problems, you just live life from day

to day. You are basically just

existing. But when we

have got the football,

it gives us something to

look forward to."


“Well done

to the Creative football team.

Our young people really enjoy playing

in the inclusive league,

they would not be able

to afford to play if it

was not for this league”



                                              “Blokes United

                                           gave us a platform

                                         to enjoy our football

                                    and play with people who

        just wanted to feel the benefits of football on their mental  health. From that, we were able to meet some really top people, who       we recently started a football club with. The Beehive FC is a

              product of the amazing work Wayne and the team are

                  putting in, to allow us to play with freedom and

                      enjoy ourselves on a Thursday night. We’re

                          really proud of what we’ve been able to

                               achieve so far with Beehive, and

                           hopefully, the club continues to grow

                                 during the upcoming season. 

                           Thanks to everyone at Blokes United

                              for introducing us to each other⚽️” 


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